Expanding WIE network by collaborating with similar scientific and industrial groups and associations such as: Association of Women Entrepreneurs, Iranian Women in Photonics, Women in AI, Academy of Science Women in Engineering, and etc. in order to hold webinars, workshops, internships, and et
Expanding WIE network representatives in various universities, research institutes & industries among academics and student branches as well as professional engineers.
Participating actively in national conferences and workshops to promote networking among WIE members and to introduce WIE objectives, and also to hold empowering workshops and side meetings by inviting scholars and experts from academic, industry and research institutes.
Plan for webinars, virtual and online workshop and presentations by inviting a broad spectrum of experts in education and industry.
Expanding international communications to interact and collaborate with other WIE committees worldwide, especially in Region 8, to exchange experiences and to promote the potentials and expertise of Iranian women in related international events.
Identifying and disseminating the information related to the WIE members’ achievements via the website of IEEE Iranian branch and Region 8 Newslette
Indicating the methodology of executing WIE’s objectives in universities and industry by defining and classifying the essential activities, such as: Launching academic/ technical/ job advisors among researchers, engineers, scientists, industry experts, academics and senior students to mentor young students.
Interacting and collaborating with other Iran Section IEEE Committees.
Setting up the WIE membership site or via other social networks and WIE members database in order to facilitate future interactions and communications with them.
Examining how to promote the effective and competent presence of women in the area of technology and engineering science, especially in Electrical & Computer Engineering.
Encouraging and promoting young students (especially WIE members) to achieve leadership positions in industry by arranging and organizing enrichment events and workshops.